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My Favorite Comfort Food: Sopa de Fideo

  Welcome (or welcome back) to my blog! Today I will be sharing this simple recipe for Sopa de Fideo! Sopa de Fideo is without a doubt my favorite comfort food. This meal always takes me back to fond memories and I am so excited to share it with you today.  My grandma would often make this for me when I stayed at her house growing up, and since her passing in 2018, this food holds an even more special place in my heart.  Video Recipe Ingredients: 1 onion 1 tomato 2 garlic cloves Fideo noodles 1 TBS olive oil 1tsp tomato bouillon 1tsp garlic powder chicken bouillon to taste 5-7 cups water Recipe: Add olive oil to a pot on medium heat, add the fideo noodles inside and also 1/2 an onion and one chopped garlic clove. Continuously stir the noodles until they are brown and toasted. In a blender add a bit of water, 1 tomato, 1/2 an onion, one garlic clove, 1tsp garlic powder, 1tsp tomato bouillon, and chicken bouillon to taste.  Blend the mixture until smooth. Once the fideo noodles have fini

Welcome To My Blog!

                                                        Nice to Meet You

    Hello and welcome to my blog! I figure that the best way to start this page off would be to introduce myself and this project to you! My name is Andrea, but everyone I know calls me Andie. I am a 20 year old college student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Marketing with a minor in Biology. On the side I work as a baker at a local cafe and I LOVE to experiment in the kitchen and even more than that is to eat! To add a face to my words, to the left you will find a photo of me suitable for an application like Linkedin and under it is my favorite photo of myself that my incredibly talented friend took of me!

 (P.S. if you like this style you should totally support my friend's photography by following her on instagram! @ariadna.png)

Some Background

Now that I've introduced myself I'd like to tell you some background to this blog and why I've created it. I am currently taking a Social Media Marketing Class in which I was required to start a blog as part of a semester long project. While I have thought about making a blog before, this project has finally provided the push I needed to commit to blogging. 

    After much thought, I decided that the blog will be centered around food. I will be posting twice a week and some days you will see me cook, bake, possibly try a new restaurant or dish, and maybe even explore the food of cultures I am unfamiliar with. 

I look forward to posting and hope you all will join me along this project. 



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